REGISTRATION is OPEN to NEW families on FEBRUARY 11th!


Hybrid Model
- In this program, parents and qualified tutors are co-educators. 2 days onsite in an academic environment that covers the bulk of instruction; Parents supervise work at home and complete a math curriculum of their choice. 32 weeks per year. Low tuition and fundraising make it affordable. 2 days a week make it flexible. It's the best of both worlds: time within the essential home life and a supportive, inspiring community.

Community of Faith
- We are a community of Christians. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments of the Church are our life source. We seek the courage to live virtuous lives modeled after the Saints. We are devoted to Truth, as expressed in our Faith and the Church. We welcome Christians of other denominations to join us in our community knowing that we are unified in our belief of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Inspiring Curricula
Classically-inspired. We infuse our philosophy and curricula with the minds of the educator Saints and a variety of educational philosophers. We are committed to quality curricula. We seek pursuits beyond academia: outdoor excursions, music, service, virtue/faith building, arts, craftsman skills, exercise, field trips, vocations.
Why the Hybrid Model?
"Let everything take second place to our care of our children, our bringing them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. If from the beginning we teach them to love true wisdom, they will have greater wealth and glory than riches can provide." St. John Chrysostom
Inherently, education is a communal and social pursuit. Christian families are seeking more educational support and community but also see the goodness of substantial time at home. Some of the benefits of this model: accountability, consistency, quality academic instructors, art and craft mentors, peer friendships with healthy competition/inspiration, a myriad of unique educational and spiritual opportunities, and a truly Faith-filled community. More than ever, our children need a foundation of Truth, Beauty and Goodness, within the fold of a Faith-filled community and the Church.
Parents and Tutor Collaboration
“All parents have a fundamental and inalienable right and duty to educate their children, and that right and duty can
never be fully delegated to another person or institution.” Pope Paul VI, Gravissimum
In the hybrid model, we maintain the Domestic Church as the anchor of our families while allowing children the benefits of an academic community. Parents are respected as the primary educators of their children and tutors are respected as sources of inspiration and accountability. Tutors support and complement each unique home education environment by providing instruction in person, assignments and readings for home, as well as offering challenges and insights in the pursuit of wisdom. Parents are responsible for helping their children complete their Paideia assignments and any other work that they deem important for their child, as well as assigning final grades. Communication between tutors and parents is paramount to the success of this collaboration. Maintaining assignment books/journals, planning ahead for each term, and commitment to respecting our common goals will also aid in our collaboration.